Inclusive Dubuque Workshop Highlights + Poll Results

  Inclusive Dubuque Workshop December 14, 2016, 9-10:30 AM Roshek Building, McCarthy Center for Nonprofit Learning, 700 Locust St. On Wednesday, December 14th Comprehensive Plan outreach was conducted with Inclusive Dubuque.  Organizations dedicated to social justice including faith, education, nonprofit, business, and government groups shared their insights on how to use the Comprehensive Plan asContinue reading Inclusive Dubuque Workshop Highlights + Poll Results

Imagine Dubuque | Share Ideas

Ideas and photos are streaming in… Check out what others are saying and share your idea today!

Over 100+ ideas have been shared to date via the Imagine Dubuque website, app and in-person events about programs, projects, and initiatives to make Dubuque a more viable, livable, and equitable community. Have you shared your vision? Click here to share ideas, feedback, and photos for how you Imagine Dubuque and our community’s future. FollowContinue reading Ideas and photos are streaming in… Check out what others are saying and share your idea today!

Imagine Dubuque Idea Booth!

Coming to you live on August 19th and August 20th! Come share your ideas and jam with us at the ‘Dubuque… And All That Jazz’ event on August 19th.  Swing by our Farmers Market booth the following morning to share even more fresh ideas and local recommendations. Imagine Dubuque Idea Booth: Chalkboard Photo Station +Continue reading Imagine Dubuque Idea Booth!


Welcome to Imagine Dubuque! Use this website to collaborate, learn and share 24/7. Take a tour by clicking the links in the menu above. But first! A couple things to get started with…Continue reading Welcome!